Supported Independent-Living

Supported Independent-Living (SIL)

Absolute Coastal Care’s Supported Independent Living (SIL) services give support and flexibility to our participants and their families, whilst allowing participants to live as independently as possible.

Supported Independent Living is assistance and/or supervision of daily tasks to help participants live as independently as possible, while building their skills.  SIL is one of many support options participants can receive.

In-home Care

Our highly trained staff are there to make sure each client lives in a safe and happy environment, supporting their independence and wellbeing. Based in Warilla, we provide independent living services that are both flexible for the client and for their family, with an entertaining and safe experience, our highest priorities.

Absolute Coastal Care is built on its foundational values of
Trust, Respect, Communication and Quality Care


Specialty Care

Physical Disabilities

Huntington’s Disease


Acquired Brain Injury


Group Based Activities

Life Skills

Daily Tasks On Top of SIL

Working With Mental Health